About MUCS
The Mugeta Children school (MUCS) is a community-based elementary school project located in the village of Mugeta, in rural Tanzania. The project promotes equity in elementary education by mobilizing educational, linguistic and recreational resources for the benefit of all children in Mugeta, regardless of their gender, religion, or economic background. The school also advocates for the wellbeing of the community by empowering girls and women and by mobilizing health and sports resources.
About the Founder?
MUCS was founded in 2010 as a community school by Dr. Joash Gambarage, who is now a lecturer at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Today more than 250 children from around Mugeta are benefiting from this project. Academically, in the district, the school ranked #1 in 2017; #2 in 2018, #1 in 2019 and #2 in 2020. But more resources are still needed to put the school and the community on a more solid path. Dr. Gambarage says:
“I grew up in Mugeta village, a community where many parents still cannot afford to buy a pencil, a crayon or a writing pad. As in my childhood days, children are still using charcoal as a writing tool instead of pencils and tomato plant leaves or petals for coloring instead of crayons. As a little boy in Mugeta, my education journey was a grind, but once I was lucky to get out of a vicious cycle, I wished to see a better definition of education to be presented with these children. We are glad that many people are supporting this project and are becoming friends of Mugeta. Let’s call this project “sharity”–because everyone is welcome to volunteer or share their skills and resources. Please read about our success stories and lend us a hand if you can.